Sunlight Foundation
  1. Obama's 'voluntary' inaugural disclosure left out some big corporate checks

    President Barack Obama's second inaugural committee promised to disclose who underwrote the festivities, but a new campaign finance report reveals that the now-defunct website of the 2013 Presidential Inaugural Committee, omitted the names of two million-dollar corporate donors -- Boeing and Chevron -- among others.

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  2. After $100,000 inaugural donation, nuclear deal gets closer

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  3. Amazon, AT&T donated services to Obama's inaugural

    While some information on the staggering sums given by the more than 20 corporations and unions that contributed to President Barack Obama's inauguration has been reported, like AT&T;'s staggeringly large $3 million donation, less attention has been paid to the goods and services that companies provided to the 57th inaugural.

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  4. Shadow lobbyists, ex-lobbyists, give to Obama inaugural committee

    Lucky for longtime lobbyist Mickey Ibarra, the president of his own lobbying and strategy shop, he could buy that champagne flute with the presidential inaugural seal.

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  5. Inaugural party surprise: VIP room off limits to congressional VIPs

    Celebrities from John Leguizamo to Marlon Wayans were bused to Washington D.C.'s Shakespeare Theatre Monday night for a gala to celebrate with the second inauguration of President Barack Obama but in an odd reversal of their usual good fortune, members of Congress found themselves shut out of the Creative Coalition's VIP party-within-a-party.

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  6. Corporations pony up for inauguration bashes

    President Obama may have downsized the number of official inaugural balls, but everybody knows that the real party goes on at the more than 100 unofficial galas and late-night parties, often sponsored by corporations, interest groups and state societies.

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  7. Obama inaugural officials tight-lipped at press conference

    Officials with President Obama's inaugural committee took questions from reporters Wednesday at the National Press Club but the answers were less than illuminating.  Here's the rundown:

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  8. Eight corporations donate to Obama's inaugural so far

    After lifting the lid on donations to his second inauguration and agreeing to accept corporate contributions, President Barack Obama only has eight corporate donors so far, according to an updated donor list posted on the inaugural committee's website over the weekend. 

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  9. After the inaugural balls, where does the extra money go?

    President Barack Obama's aggressive inaugural fundraising -- he's reversed the ban on corporate donors, lifted the lid on contributions and is soliciting up to $1 million for various VIP ticket packages -- raises an intriguing question: What's he planning to do with all the money? After all, the Presidential Inaugural Committee already has radically downsized the number of official balls.

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  10. Obama discloses less about inaugural donors

    What a difference four years makes: President Barack Obama, who began his first term with a promise to change the way Washington works, barred corporate donations to his first inauguration, capped individual contributions at $50,000 and began disclosing his donors and bundlers more than a month before his swearing-in.

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